About Me


I completed my doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology at McGill University in Montreal.  During that time, I provided clinical services at a variety of hospital clinics in Montreal, including the Eating Disorders program at the Douglas Hospital, where I did my residency.  Subsequently, I was employed as a postdoctoral fellow at The Ottawa Hospital, where I provided psychological services at both the HIV program and the Eating Disorders clinic.  I then worked as a psychologist in private practice at the Centre for Cognitive Therapy in Ottawa.  I currently work part time at Connexion Family Health Team.

I am a member of both the College of Psychologists in Ontario and the Order of Psychologists in Quebec.  I have given guests lectures in undergraduate psychology classes at McGill University on the topics of personality and interpersonal behaviour, and supervised undergraduate research students.  I have published a number of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, mostly on the topics of eating disorders and interpersonal behaviour.


Brugnera, A., Lo Coco, G., Salerno, L., Sutton, R., Gullo, S., Compare, A., & Tasca, G. (2018).  Patients with Binge Eating Disorder and Obesity have qualitatively different interpersonal characteristics: Results from an Interpersonal Circumplex study.  Comprehensive Psychiatry, 85, 36-41.

Kopala-Sibley, D., Rappaport, L., Sutton, R., Moskowitz, D. S., & Zuroff, D. C. (2013).  Self-criticism, neediness and connectedness as predictors of interpersonal behavioral variability.  Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 32(7), 770-790.

Lo Coco, G., Sutton, R., Tasca, G., Salerno, L., Oieni, V., & Compare, A. (2016).  Does the interpersonal model generalize to obesity without binge eating?  European Eating Disorders Review, 24(5), 391-398.

Moskowitz, D. S., Russell, J. J., Sadikaj, G., & Sutton, R. (2009).  Measuring people intensively.  Canadian Psychology, 50(3), 131-140.

Moskowitz, D. S., Sutton, R., Zuroff, D. C., & Young, S. (2015).  Fetal exposure to androgens, as indicated by digit ratios (2D:4D), increases men’s agreeableness with women.  Personality and Individual Differences, 75, 97-101.

Nantel-Vivier, A., Pihl R.O., Young, S.N., Parent, S., Bélanger, S.A., Sutton, R., Dubois, M.-A., Tremblay, R., & Seguin, J.R. (2011).  Serotonergic contribution to boys' behavioral regulation.  PLoS ONE 6(6).

Pihl, R. O., & Sutton, R. (2009).  Drugs and aggression readily mix; so what now?  Substance Use and Misuse, 44, 1188-1203.
